Last Day, Last Lights in Maine
Believe it or not, I think I'm finally going to be able to wrap up the posts on our New Hampshire/Maine vacation that my mom, Jamie, and I took over two months ago! And look, I managed to write less than 20 posts about a 5-day vacation - it's an almost-Christmas miracle! A word of warning, though - being that this is my last post it's also going to be a rather lengthy one as I've got several lighthouses to share with you and you know me, I tend to blather at the keyboard and go on and on and on. I'll try to be succinct, though - honest! So, our last day in Maine (which was actually on October 10th) found us heading back down the coast in the direction of Connecticut and home but along the way we were going to be in search of several of the most photographed lighthouses in Maine with the first stop being at Fort Williams Park at Cape Elizabeth just south of Portland. The park is the home to Maine's oldest lighthouse and extremely popular tourist attraction...