The Hawthorne Hotel's "Haunted" Room #612 - An Outside View
In my last post on our recent stay at the Hawthorne Hotel I showed you some the pictures of the door to Room #612 and the rather 'odd' bits of white light that appeared in the picture of the hallway in front of the door. I also mentioned a glowing green light on the side of the hotel closest to Salem Common that appeared near the 6th floor that I really couldn't figure out. While going through pictures for this post, I found that glowing green light again but this time it was located on the other side of the building and, just like before, definitely near the 6th floor! The picture above is a straight-out-of-the-camera shot that I took from across the street from the hotel shortly after we had returned from seeing the Salem Trolley presentation of " A Christmas Carol ". As you can see there's a green traffic light on the corner as well as a street light on a pole to the side of the hotel in addition to a couple of other lights on the left-hand side of t