Hi, my name is Linda and I'm "The Distracted Wanderer".
Well, truth be told, I'm a 911 Emergency Medical Dispatcher but when I'm not doing that I try to do some of the things I love. I love history, I love to take photographs, I love to write, and I love to travel so it seemed to make sense to put all of those loves together into one spot - this blog. The "distracted" part comes in due to that love of history I have and the fact that the places that I like to go to the most are historic in one form or another. I then get "distracted" delving into that history as that makes the story that much more interesting for me and hopefully for my readers, too! It is my fervent hope that maybe someday I can turn this hobby into something more than just that but for now that hope shall simply spring eternal while I wander around part-time!
I hope that through these posts, you, the reader, find someplace that you want to travel to also or if not, that you learn something that you didn't know before you stopped in. If I achieve either of those goals with even one person then I'll know that it was all worth it! This is my chance to be the history teacher/travel writer/photographer that I'd like to be if only there was a way for it to pay the bills!
When I'm not distractedly wandering around bits and pieces of New England or other assorted places that I can easily get to, I'm still asking the question "Are We There Yet??" which is the name of the blog that I have began writing in July 2006 and still update on occasion though not anywhere near as often as I used to. As a wanna-be-writer, that blog has served me well as a place to wear my heart on my sleeve, occasionally climb up on a soapbox, or share some favorite music among other things. I posted the vast majority of my journeys on that blog initially but decided that with the increasing number of travel posts that I had been writing, that it would be nice for them to have a home of their own. After all, I've said enough times that I wished I was a travel writer so here it is - my chance to be one!
Rather than start this blog from scratch, I have gone through the archives of my primary blog and pulled a lot of my travel posts from there. The goal is to have them arranged by region/location so that if you're looking for a particular place to go, you won't have far to search to find what you're looking for as I'll have already done the footwork for you.
Should you have any questions, suggestions, or other things of a non-profane manner that you'd like to get in touch with me about, please feel free to email me or leave a comment on one of the posts. I'm always up for new places to travel to and to write about - especially if it's got an interesting history - so if you know of some place that you think I might like feel free to let me know. Also, if you end up going somewhere that I wrote about, I'd love to hear about that, too!
What Are People Saying About The Distracted Wanderer?
The Griswold Inn, June 24th, 2011 via The GrisBlog: "What do you get when you combine a passion for travel with a love of history and a talent for writing? You get Linda's wonderful blog The Distracted Wanderer! Thanks Linda for your recent visit to the 'Gris'....you sure did your research and your beautiful article makes us proud."
Historic Hotels of America, June 8th, 2011 via Facebook: "Check out the fantastic coverage of the Historic Hotels of America Client & Media Reception Showcase held on May 18 at the The Waldorf Astoria New York from travel writer Linda Orlomoski. She attests to being simply a "blogger" but we think she's a great writer and en route to becoming an "honest-to-goodness bona-fide get-paid-to-do-it metropolitan-type travel writer"! Thank you, Linda :)"
Inn Victoria, June 1st, 2011 via Facebook: "WOW!! What a wonderful blog Linda did on us....thank you so much Linda...and you didn't get us at our best as it was work weekend...thank you.....if you come as a guest...you will be treated like royalty....that's how we treat all of our guests."
Kilpatrick Manor, July 21st, 2011 via Post Comment: "... The review is absolutely wonderful and I think Lois is right in saying "... you found your calling!" I want to thank you on behalf of myself and Nance, we were very fortunate to have you stay with us, I wish you the best of luck on your future excursions." ~ Kevin, Chef/Innkeeper
The House of the Seven Gables, January 4th, 2012 via email: "Fabulous to read, visually enthralling …. Makes you want to come and see more. Cannot thank you enough for all the effort!" ~ Alan Callachio, Curator, House of the Seven Gables
The Omni Parker House, January 26th, 2012 via email: "Your interest and focus on the rich history of the Parker House and the surrounding area is terrific. ... The photos are stunning! ... Your enthusiasm is wonderful; from all of us at the Parker House: many thanks for such a glowing review!" ~ Kate, Omni Loyalty Ambassador
Destination Salem, May 3rd, 2013, via Facebook: "We love this photo of FRIENDSHIP by Linda Orlomoski at The Distracted Wanderer."
Gale Martin, Director of Communications & Marketing at Harcum College; Book Author, via LinkedIn: ""The Distracted Wanderer" is a first-rate travel blog. For one thing, Linda's posts are extraordinarily detailed. In this blog she has created a meticulous, photographic record of the many interesting sites she traveled to in the United States, and she shares everything she experienced there for the rest of the world to enjoy and share vicariously. And did I mention that her photos are sublime? Each post is adorned with gorgeous pics. Written from the perspective of both historian and devotee, "The Distracted Wanderer" elevates armchair travel to an art form. It's a fun site to wander about, and anyone who loves traveling should spend some time there, going from link to link and padding about."
The Griswold Inn, June 8th, 2013 via Facebook: "Some people just 'get' us .... they understand what a unique and special experience the 'Gris' is to it's friends and fans. Connecticut-based travel writer Linda Orlomoski is such a person and her online column The Distracted Wanderer is a must for those interested in our region. Thank you, Linda, for the return visit and kind words. Every year in America, there are fewer destinations left that are independent, historic, authentic and unique. Those of us left appreciate writers like Linda who share our passion so eloquently."
Please feel free to visit my Facebook Page and click on the "Like" button, pop over to Pinterest and check out my board for this blog complete with a map, or follow me on Twitter. If all else fails, you can also get in touch with me on LinkedIn! Additionally, should you like to see more photos of the places I've wandered to, you can do so in my SmugMug Gallery and see if there's anything there that might look brilliant hanging on your walls!
If you're looking for more places to wander to, be sure to check out Travels With Nathaniel which I am writing in conjunction with the historic Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, Massachusetts. The purpose behind the blog is to give guests of the hotel an idea of places to visit while staying there but there's some great information for travelers who might not be fortunate enough to be staying in Salem's premier accommodations though I have to ask "Why the heck not?!?"
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